brass faucetBeijing time on Feburary 21 evening news, malic president Yase Laiwensen (Arthur Levinson) Zhou Er is in Stanford university business school (Stanford's Graduate School Of Business) is accepted when interviewing, express, lose Steve Qiaobusi (after Steve Jobs) , he feels very un canon ef 15mm accu scooby costume stomed in malic life.
Laiwensen joined in 2000 malic board of di the most popular memory laptop the best selling t mobile prepaid cards toshiba rectors, it is Qiao Busi's work in the same placing and cater-cousin. Should be asked " what does board of directors of apple of the management after reaching Qiaobusi to die have to experience " when, laiwensen says: "Very barpque " (Weird) .
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Laiwensen still says, although the apple still is in,roll out new product, also have a few major statement, but Qiaobusi's absent still cannot be ignored. He says: "When I walk into assembly room, still can't help can remembering Qiaobusi. Still can't help can remembering Qiaobusi..
Laiwensen is being read " Qiaobusi is passed " , but had not looked. He says: "Greatly, the Qiaobusi in the Qiaobusi that I understand and public eye i most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards s different. The Qiaobusi in the Qiaobusi that I understand and public eye is different..
satin pjsLaiwensen still says in interview, to a company character, short-term th the most popular scooby costume e gain circumstance inside cannot show what issue, include the new money newspaper that malic near future releases. 2013 money year first quarter, malic battalion receives 54.5 billion dollar, net profit 13.1 billion dollar. To this outstanding achievement, laiwensen considers as " very breathtaking " .
But investor app free memory laptop toshiba ears and dissatisfactory, release hour of the number after money signs up for, malic share price drops more than 10% . After the historical apogee that will achieve 705.07 dollars last year in September, malic share price up to now already the defeat below accumulative total 35% .
canon ef 15mmThe personage inside course of study says, of investor be anxious also not without reason. In the day that does not have Qiaobusi, the map application in malic IOS 6 is wide for bad-mouth. For this, hold the post of library of · of Mu of CEO the base of a fruit newly to overcome (Tim Cook) still undertook an apology to the user. free brooch pins
Nevertheless, laiwensen is confident to malic future. He says: "An enterprise is behaved how, this is a long-term course. The apple can sell after all give ministry or 48 million 47 million IPhone, this problem still lets someone else be anxious. This problem still lets someone else be anxious..
The effect that has in malic new product about the board of directors, laiwensen says, although new product can shift to an earlier date,6 months refer a board of directors to 18 months, but the board of directors won't intervene too much, it is specific professional public figure is met only to table a proposal.
Laiwensen says: "The board of directors makes long-term direction and plan, won't define the specific standard of the product. A good board of directors won't hamper CEO is mixed other tall canal works. " (Li Ming)
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